Before coming to live on Mull, I ran a business called ‘Willoweave’ for over 10 years in the North West of England constructing large ‘Living Willow’ structures and figurative sculptures. My work was commissioned for community based projects, environmental agencies, film, television and garden designers. I also taught a variety of workshops for adults and children.
For a complete change in 2009 I came to Iona to run a tea room for the summer. I loved living here so much I decided to stay. What free time I now have has been spent concentrating on my basket making, especially ‘square work’ and was fortunate to benefit from an award by the Heritage Crafts Association which enabled me to further my training. I still construct living willow structures and run workshops on Iona & Mull.
Willow grows well here and I now grow a variety of colourful willows in my garden and on a local croft. Recently I’ve been experimenting with old traditional techniques and using grasses, local plants and recycled materials to construct woven pieces. I now work under the name of Isle of Mull Baskets.
Examples of Alex’s work can be seen here: